“Dracula: Last Voyage of the Demeter” Spoiler-free Review

“Dracula: Last Voyage of the Demeter” Spoiler-free Review – 4.5 stars As “blood is the life” rang through the theatre space that we know as the Star Theatres, and the final moments played out, the audience continued to sit in anticipation for more – not knowing whether that was the final scene and we should present the creatives with a well-deserved applause, or do we wait… just in case… it is a horror after all. But the end is not the best place to start – Dracula: Last Voyage of the Demeter was written by Melbourne playwright, Sean Carney, directed by David Dyte, and is described as “A must see for horror fans and literary enthusiasts alike!” The production begins mid-story with Captain Atkins (Paul Messenger) and First Mate Nichols (Eira Thorstensson) carrying a wooden box into a cage. A cage that would seemingly hold a monster. Of course, we know all too well that a cage built for humans wouldn’t date hold a monster. Nor would shackles and chains. The inscription on the side...