
Showing posts from March, 2025

First Love is a Revolution - Spoiler-free Review

Photo: Jamie Hornsby 4.5 out of 5 stars - 4 shows remaining - SATURDAY ALREADY SOLD OUT! TICKETS: This is a play about hunger and desire. It’s Romeo and Juliet pushed to deranged extremes, where the unlikely sweethearts are a 14-year old boy and a young fox with brutal birthrights. Rdeca’s whole family have fleas. Her mum is pushing her into making her first kill, a snivelling mole, before she’s ready. Basti is being bullied at school by kids who call him a shrimp. His dad is too busy flirting with the neighbour to be of any real help. Beneath the light of a full moon, Basti captures Rdeca, and so begins a star-crossed romance between hunter and prey. This is not a story to take in a literal sense but rather enjoy the themes and the fantasy behind it.   After reviewing  Dance Nation  last week, I was surprised to see a familiar face grace the stage once more in this production, but Wirra Ben...